WEDNESDAY 10-2-2019 OMG. The 2nd day of October, 2019. The year has just FLOWN past. Hubby was up already and had made eggs for the dogs. I got up at 6:30AM and made the bed. Then I made lattes. Hubby told me that he had made the dogs "sit" before going out and coming back inside the house. Hubby left at 7:45AM to go to his breakfast with the UTV club at the Golden West Casino. I did laundry and dishes. Then I vacuumed the rest of the house. Put Roomba in the master bedroom to clean. I put away 3 loads of laundry. Then I put away clean dishes. The Stucco contractor was here to fill in the flagpole. The paint guy comes tomorrow. Then that will be finished. Darryl, the Landscaper, came to install our new tree and take out the dead one. We got a new String Bean Acacia. Then Justin, the Water guy came and fixed the leak on the water filter in the garage. He also tightened the sink in the garage. Justin recommended a 5-Stage Reverse Osmosis System to take care of the white chemica



Got up at 7:30AM, heard dogs barking at neighbors outside.

I was too weak to make the bed.

Still body aches & pains. I took several aspirins.

I made lattes. Then sat on the sofa.

Hubby had already fed eggs to the dogs.

Hubby vacuumed. I went outside to take cat litter & dog poo to the garbage.

I had yogurt for breakfast.

Then at 10AM, we went out front and tore up the plants in the front yard that I hated. The spreading plants that made our yard look like a jungle.

Dave, the neighbor, came over to talk to Hubby.

Hubby worked in the back yard to pull out the two plants that Tater has been eating and the aloe vera that was buried under the palm tree. He fixed the drip water system.

We watched Downton Abbey for a while.

At 4PM, we took the Dually to the car wash.

Stopped at Wendy's to pick up sandwiches for the dogs.

Home by 6PM.

Watched TV. Went to bed at 10PM.


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