WEDNESDAY 10-2-2019 OMG. The 2nd day of October, 2019. The year has just FLOWN past. Hubby was up already and had made eggs for the dogs. I got up at 6:30AM and made the bed. Then I made lattes. Hubby told me that he had made the dogs "sit" before going out and coming back inside the house. Hubby left at 7:45AM to go to his breakfast with the UTV club at the Golden West Casino. I did laundry and dishes. Then I vacuumed the rest of the house. Put Roomba in the master bedroom to clean. I put away 3 loads of laundry. Then I put away clean dishes. The Stucco contractor was here to fill in the flagpole. The paint guy comes tomorrow. Then that will be finished. Darryl, the Landscaper, came to install our new tree and take out the dead one. We got a new String Bean Acacia. Then Justin, the Water guy came and fixed the leak on the water filter in the garage. He also tightened the sink in the garage. Justin recommended a 5-Stage Reverse Osmosis System to take care of the white chemica

5 Mental Health Tips For A Better and happier Living in 2018

Every being found on the surface of the earth wants to live a happier, fulfilling, joyous, and peaceful life. But most people do not have a proper approach towards this, as they just sit around and wait for it to just happen. The aim of living a better, happier and peaceful life is achievable, but it lies totally in you r hands. Below are few tips you can follow in this new year 2018 in order to live a better and happier life.

5 Mental Health Tips For A Better and happier Living in 2018

Tips For a Better and happier Living in 2018

1. Show gratitude

With all the long days of work, busy schedules, social evenings and tired nights, many people find it difficult to sit and ponder upon all the things they should be thankful for.

Finding faults and laying complaints is very easy, unfortunately, and it requires little or no effort at all. Thinking about all the things that makes your life a better one, on the other hand, require a little more effort for most people. This is because you have made sure all that gratitude is been covered under mountains of dissatisfaction. You should take a moment to give accounts, and appreciate everything you have.

You might find yourself in a job or work environment you no longer appreciate, but take time to think about what it has taught you and still teaches you. Think about the time you have spent with families, friends, and loved ones, even if it is just a little moment you find yourself appreciating presently, take yourself back to moments that makes you feel special. By dong all these, you will realise how far being grateful for what you have received so far can make you a better, and happier person.

Must read: Mental health tips that makes a happy family

2. Do not dwell in the past

Dwelling on thoughts and experience that impacted your life negatively, or that made you unhappy in the past is the single most harmful thing you can do to yourself mentally.

Everyone has passed through ups and downs in life. Some even have more experience than others. But holding unto such experience and not allowing yourself to move on and be happy is being totally unfair to yourself. No matter the experience in the past, you should know that you cannot change it in the moment you are currently in.

You can take steps to make amends if the faults are from you, or forgive if someone else hurts you, but thinking about the moments over and over again in your mind leads to nowhere but a dark end. You should instead, focus on how you can make your present and future better. Do things that makes you happy and associate with people that brings positivity into your life.

3. Finish off your most daunting task first thing in the morning

Most people like to start their day off easy and leave all the most important tasks they suppose to do to the very end of the day. This is how the situation normally goes - you keep procrastinating on that task until you are dead tired to do it, then you wake up the next morning with that same task looming over your head. This is not a pleasant feeling. The best method is to wrap up that task as soon as you can. This will give you more room to breathe and ease off some of that anxiety you feel throughout the day.

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4. Stop worrying so much about what people say or think about you

If is a fact that we human beings, are social creatures. All of us appreciate validation and wants being appreciated every now and then. The problem most people have is  that validation often becomes their only source of happiness.

While friends and families are all very important, what you think of yourself and the way you live your life needs to matter more than anything else. Not hurting the sentiments of people you love is great, but always sticking to their thoughts and what they say about you should not be the mantra you want to live by in this coming new year.

5. Spend more time outdoors

You wake up in the morning, you check your go to work, you check your eat food, you check your phone...I am sure you understand what I am saying. This is just a recap of how most of us spend our entire day. All the sitting indoors and starring at your phone and allowing the device to be our only contact with the world outside can be harmful on our sanity than we think.

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Spending time outdoors is very important. If you do not live in an environment or society where spending moments outside is appreciated, you can easily move to a better place as often as you can. You will be amazed of how just a walk in the park or even just sitting outdoors, observing or talking to people can boost your happiness.

After reading this article up to this point, all I can say to you is Happy New Year!


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